
For Sale: AllConfigurators.com

Description: Overview of configuration software / configurators. The value of the website lies mainly in the age of the domain/website and is, as such, suitable as a support website.

Income: 70 SEK (apprx 10 USD) over the last year.

Costs: Domain cost and web host.

Domains included: allconfigurators.com (related domains and websites in Swedish exist)

Traffic: 1.170 sessions / 1.660 page views over the last year.

Created: 2007

Platform: WordPress

Price: 900 SEK (apprx 100 USD) or bid. Read more (in Swedish): Såhär går försäljningen till & Försäljningsprinciper och värdering

Buy it now. Email me at christoffer@wallcloud.se

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Webbentreprenör sedan 2004. Affiliatemarknadsförare, webbutvecklare och stormjagare.

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